

Good News for Good New Bearers

Okay. Let’s admit it.  Most of us have a hard time with rejection.  We want people to accept us and agree with our convictions.  We want them to think favorably of us and enjoy being with us.  With these desires, we are often hesitant to bring up spiritual topics because we are afraid of affecting our relationship with those we approach.  We fear that if we try to talk to them about spiritual things they may have no interest and may become upset or think less of us for doing so. For these reasons, many of us lack the courage to do personal work.

Let me share some good news with you which should help remove some of your apprehensions and encourage you to share your faith with others.  According to a survey appearing in Preaching Today many Americans desire to talk about spiritual things.  The following is a ranking of topics of conversation during a typical week:

Movies or television programs: 66%.

Money: 57%.

Sports: 55%.

Politics: 51%.

Parenting: 50%.

Moral issues or situations: 49%.

Spiritual issues and beliefs: 42%.

According to a poll in the Roper Youth Report, more kids and teenagers are interested in spiritual things than surfing the Web, watching a movie, going to parties or to the mall.

53% of respondents ranked religion and spirituality among their top personal interests.

28% reported participating in church groups; by comparison, just 20% played after-school sports.

58% said churches and religious groups are an important influence on their moral values.

This should help us realize that people are interested.  They will likely welcome our spiritual conversation and willingly participate.  Instead of considering us a nuisance, they will appreciate our faith and our eagerness to discuss it.  We therefore need to take advantage of each opportunity.  “Walk in wisdom toward those who are outside, redeeming the time. Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one” (Colossians 4:5-6). 

It may be that people have had an interest in spiritual things for some time now, and we have just not recognized it.  Or it may be that there is a spiritual awakening or revival that is taking place.  Whatever the case we need to take advantage of the open doors God is providing and “strike while the iron is hot” (see Colossians 4:2-4).