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“1 Corinthians 10:13”

Categories: 1 Corinthians

“No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man; and God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, so that you will be able to endure it.”


When three thousand Israelites were killed near Mount Sinai for worshiping a golden calf (verse 7), that was not God’s fault. When 23,000 men fell in one day because of their idolatry and sexual immorality with Moabite women (verse 8), no one can rightly blame God for that. When many were killed by “fiery serpents” because of their impatience and distrust in God’s providence (verse 9), it did not have to end that way. When 14,700 were killed by the “destroyer” because of their incessant grumbling and complaining (verse 10), they had no one to blame but themselves.


“God is faithful,” even though His covenant people often are not. In each one of these examples of wickedness and faithlessness, the violators had every opportunity to “escape” from their temptation to sin. In every instance, the perpetrators had the option to put up a fight against the urge to defy, disrespect and disobey their Father in heaven, who carried them out of the land of slavery and oppression by His strong, loving hand. God was with them 24/7, shielding them by day, guiding them by night, and providing for their every need. And yet they sinned because they were unappreciative, dissatisfied and rebellious.


The same is true for God’s people today. No one holds a gun to our head and forces us to break God’s commandments when we choose to rebel against the Lord and sin. No temptation has “overtaken” us or “seized” control of our free will to resist. After having chosen to yield to Satan’s allurements, not one of us can truthfully say that we had no choice in the matter. That we just could not help ourselves. That it was against our ability to resist. If we are really looking, God will always “provide a way of escape” for us to defeat the devil’s temptations. God is always faithful and He is always there for us in our times of need. If we choose to put up a fight, He will not allow sin to defeat us.


The bad news: There is no good excuse for sin and unfaithfulness. We have no one to blame but ourselves for the consequences that follow, whether temporary or eternal.


The good news: You don’t need superhuman strength to resist temptation. At least not your own. The all-powerful God of heaven will not allow you to be tempted beyond your breaking point. He has already mapped out an escape route for every temptation you may incur. LOOK FOR IT and USE IT!


Please read 1 Corinthians 10:14-22 for tomorrow.


Have a great day!


- Louie Taylor