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“1 Thessalonians 5:16-22”

Categories: 1 Thessalonians
“Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing. In all circumstances give thanks, for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus. Do not quench the Spirit. Do not despise prophetic utterances. Test everything; retain what is good. Refrain from every kind of evil.”
---End of Scripture Verses---
“Rejoice always” (verse 16). The truth is, no matter how badly things may be going for us at any particular point in time, we can always find a reason to be joyful. Just the profound fact that we are children of God and heaven bound (if we are faithful Christians) is enough to rejoice about. I know that it seems impossible to find the joy in moments of crisis and extreme sorrow, but it will always be there waiting for you when the crushing weight lightens up a bit. Never give up even in your darkest hours. God will make the sun to shine in your heart again if you will just hang in there and hold on to His hand.
“Pray without ceasing” (verse 17). In the good times. In the bad times. In the daytime. In the nighttime. When you are young. When you are old. And all points in between. Pray when you are feeling happy. Pray when you are feeling sad. Pray when you feel like you are standing on top of the world. Pray when you feel like your world is caving in on you. Prayer is a lifeline to the Great Comforter in heaven and we often fail to avail ourselves of its many rich blessings. Prayer should be a way of life and not a thing that we sometimes do.
“In all circumstances give thanks” (verse 18). When you are praying to God, do not forget to always thank Him for all the good things that He has done, is doing, and promises to do for you. Thank Him for how awesome and loving and good He is. Be an appreciative person. Grateful people are nearly always optimistic and joyful people. Grateful people find reasons to give thanks “in all circumstances.”
Verses 19 and 20 obviously had special significance in the age of 1st century miraculous inspiration, but we can still make application for ourselves today. Don’t let the fire go out on your faith in Christ, your love for the Father, and your zeal for the Spirit’s word. Do not “despise” or diminish the value of the living, piercing, powerful word of God when it is being taught, preached or when you are reading it. Receive it, embrace it and give it free recourse to affect you in the ways that God has designed it to.
“Test everything” (verse 21). Never take someone’s word for truth. Always examine the Scriptures (Acts 17:11), and “test the spirits” (1 John 1:4), and prove what the good will of God is for you (Romans 12:2). When you hear and learn that which is good, “retain” it or cling to it with all your might. When you learn what is evil, “refrain from every kind” of it (verse 22). Even though abstaining from every “appearance” of evil is a wise thing to do, Paul is not saying avoid giving people the wrong impression. He is saying learn what is good and evil and cling to all that is good and abstain from all that is evil.
There is definitive, objective, absolute good, and there is definitive, objective, absolute evil. Good is everything that God tells us to believe, think, say and do, and evil is everything that God tells us to avoid believing, thinking, saying and doing.
Please read 1 Thessalonians 5:23-28 for tomorrow.
Have a joyful day!
- Louie Taylor